By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 17 February 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I'd like to add to what I posted on Friday, BOILING HOT. The full meaning of "fervent" in Romans 12:11 is "BOILING HOT when referring to liquids and GLOWING RED HOT when referring to solids. The Amplified version says, "Be AGLOW AND BURNING with the Spirit." The Moffat's translation says, "Never let your zeal flag, MAINTAIN THE SPIRITUAL GLOW."

There's no room for apathetic, compromising, half-heartedness, lukewarm, mediocre, middle of the road, run of the mill, wimpy, or jelly-fish spirit here, is there? Instead God wants us to be hot and GLOWING for Him. The enemy wants to lull us to sleep and take away our zeal, but God wants us to be ardent, enthusiastic, exuberant, fiery, passionate, wholehearted, and GLOWING AND BURNING HOT.

And where are we to glow? In our home with our husband and children. And how will they see the glow? On our face. This is where the glow shows. Is your face glowing with love, sweetness, and joy today? If your faces looks down in the mouth, frowning, sour, and rigid, something's wrong. Yield to the Holy Spirit who lives within you to work in your heart and burn up the dross (Proverbs 25:4). Confess your sin of grumpiness, selfishness, and self-pity and let Him take over your life and fill you with His glow.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell