By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 28 February 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Tonight I was visiting with my daughter Evangeline. I read some Facebook posts she answered to mothers complaining that they don't get enough sleep. Isn't that a constant complaint of mothers with little children? What did Vange (mother of 10 children) have to say?

"It is amazing how much we need more sleep when we confess we are so tired and haven't slept in the last six months! I remember one time thinking, "Far out, I think I slept four to five hours straight! I feel like a million bucks!". You can actually can get adrenaline shots just by your frame of mind! When you tell yourself that you are just going to doze and get sleep when you can and that a few hours is AMAZING, your attitude changes.

It's a passion of mine to liberate mothers who are under the delusion that life should be as it was before they had children. Mothers can so easily allow their minds to get out of whack because they think that life, sleep, and noise should be the same as before they married. Of course it will not! It will be SO different, on many levels, sleep being one of them. Your world is no longer going to be "normal," but it is going to be better if you have the right attitude and understand how GREAT it is!

We need to get "on track," planting both feet in the Land of Motherhood with abandonment. It is only as we make this decision that we can be joyful in this season of our lives. All books you read should line up with God and His ways."

Love from Nancy