We know Jesus' words by heart, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). But, it is not just truth that gives us freedom. It is KNOWING the truth. And this truth of freedom is divinely ingrained in us. Our souls cry for it. They burst open for it.

Because this inherent desire for freedom is God-given, it is another sinister ploy of the enemy to take it from us. Satan hates everything that comes from God. That's why we must guard it with all our hearts. God made each one of us sovereignly, uniquely, and individually. There has never been another person in the universe that is quite like you, and there will never ever be another to come! Each one of your children are also individually unique. God gives each one differing gifts in order to glorify Him. How amazing is our Creator.

And hence this desire for freedom, this desire to be who God created us to be. This is who we are by creation, and also, the privilege we have in this great nation of USA (unless we allow this freedom to be taken from us). We know the words of the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Therefore, as Daren Jonescu writes, "The United States became the first nation founded on the premise that men are by nature free, and therefore that the purpose of government is, and must be, only the protection of that natural freedom... The law of the land, unlike the laws of all other lands, is first and foremost a set of clear moral restrictions on government, in favor of individual citizens. The American, then, is the only citizen on the planet who is...functionally superior in political status to his 'government.'"

How long will this last? Especially as we continue to allow our children to be duped by undermining biblical and constitutional fallacies. Once again, we cite John Dewey, the father of public education. He did not believe in the natural rights of individual human nature. He believed that the community precedes the individual. The only freedom the leftists promote is the freedom to use ones gifts to promote the growth of their progressive society.

I end this post today with two more quotes from Daren ;Jonescu, "Why do parents willingly (or reluctantly, for that matter) send their own children--their own future--to socialist reeducation camps? "From my cold, dead hands," they proudly say of their guns. Are not their children worthy of at least so strong a grip?"

"A soul is a terrible thing to waste. A hundred million souls--now we are talking about the difference between desolation and hope."

If they take our guns, we are slaves. What if they steal the minds and souls of our children? How strong is your grip?

Love from Nancy


To check quotes from Daren Jonescu, go to and check out the following:

The Case Against Public Education

Ending Progressive Public Education

On Restoring American Individualism


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