By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 08 October 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Most people are not aware of how Above Rubies operates or is financed, and I rarely ever write about it. However, I thought I would explain it to you, if you are interested. If not, you don't need to continue reading.

I have been publishing the Above Rubies magazine for over 36 years. It started in New Zealand where we lived at the time and now goes all over the world. From the very beginning I have felt to make Above Rubies freely available, by donation. Many people ask why I don't make it a subscription magazine. However, people always subscribe to what they believe in and my vision is to get Above Rubies out to those who not only believe in the message, but to those who don't! I have a vision to get it to every family in the nation. I have a big vision. I believe that if we sow sparingly, we'll reap sparingly; but if we sow bountifully, we'll reap a bountiful harvest for the glory of God, as the Scripture says.

Therefore I make it available freely. But, not altogether!

I trust that those who have a vision for the strengthening of marriage and families in the nation will give freely to help us get this message out to the world. I pray for those with a big vision and generous hearts who will give, not to only pay for their magazine, but give so that others can receive it too.

This is the way I have worked for over 36 years. God is so faithful and we are still printing after all these years. However, I don't always print as regularly as I would like as I have to wait for the finance to come in to print. My vision is to print four issues a year. Last year we only printed two issues as we waited for the finance.

You may be surprised to know that it costs over $50,000 to send out each magazine--$25,000 to print and that much again to ship it out. Now, I know some will say, "Why don't you only do E-versions?" I am sure it will eventually come to that, but not yet. There are still thousands who are desperate for the paper version and are not as computer savvy as others, so we don't want to disappoint them. I believe God wants us to continue printing at this time.

The sad part about it is, that although we send out the magazine freely, there is a very small percentage who donate. Oh how we praise God for the faithful ones who give so freely and generously. I think that many people think the magazine just arrives from heaven (which I certainly hope it does!), but it actually takes finance to get it out. And the only way we can keep getting it out is as God's people give to keep getting out this important message in the nation.

Now, as I share about the financial aspect of Above Rubies, please understand that I want you to receive the magazine, even if you can't afford to give a donation. I never want to deprive anyone of the magazine. I publish it for YOU. It's for YOU, whether you can afford it or not. However, I trust that God will touch those who can give, or even if those who struggling who may be able to give a tiny bit.

From the very beginning, Colin and I have never taken a salary from Above Rubies. All donations that come into Above Rubies go to print the magazine and post it out to the families of the world. I have been doing this ministry freely, as a love ministry to the mothers of the world, for over 36 years. Especially in later years, as the ministry has grown, it takes all my life and all my time, but I joyfully and generously give my life for this purpose as I know it is my responsibility as an older women to encourage and lead the younger women.

Apart from giving royalties to Serene and Pearl for TRIM HEALTHY MAMA (and some other authors) all the money that comes in for ALL Above Rubies books, CDs, and DVDs that we sell on the Above Rubies bookstore, goes to Above Rubies to keep printing the magazine.

Now that Colin is retired, our only income is from free-will offerings when we speak at seminars or retreats. But, God is faithful. We praise His wonderful name.

If you have been receiving Above Rubies, and yet have never donated to help pay for this magazine, and would like to, you can go to the above rubies webpage to do this, or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for alternative ways or any questions you may have.

Forgive me for sharing about finance. I would rather never mention the word. I just want to make this magazine freely available to you. However, today I have written the check to post out the majority of the magazines. However, I now have nothing left to send out to those who order over 16 magazines and we have many who receive bulk orders. If you receive a bulk order, please pray that God will send in miracles so we'll be able to send out your magazines to you. I will also have the bill for the printing of the magazine coming in which is usually about $25,000.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

Love from Nancy Campbell