1 Peter 2:21 tells us, "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." We have been called to follow in the steps of Jesus. We love doing this when His steps lead us into easy paths where the sun is shining and there are no adversities. But, oh when His steps lead us into paths of suffering and hardship, that's another story. We are so prone to leave His steps and go our own way, aren't we?

Job, who went through so much heartache and suffering confessed, "My foot has HELD FAST to his steps. I have kept his way and have not turned aside" (Job 23:11 ESV). May we be those who will HOLD FAST to God's ways, even when nothing seems to be working out around us.

Often dear mothers complain to me about the negative comments they receive for homeschooling or receiving more of God's precious babies into their home. Some feel they can't go on because of the negative pressure. And yet, dear ladies, there are more than two million Christians being persecuted for the name of Jesus as this time. And they are not just receiving some negative comments. They are being tortured and thrown into prison--100,000 are martyred for their faith every year.

And yet they HOLD FAST in the steps of the Lord. May we be HOLDING FAST mothers, training our children by example to also be HOLDING FAST children in the ways of the Lord.

In His love, Nancy Campbell

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