Sometimes, dear Lord, it seems as tho'
the children never stop!
They ask and ask, and ask again,
until my ears near pop!

"Mum, fix my shoe," "Help brush my hair."
"I want another drink."
"Come quickly, Mum, I think the cat
has fallen in the sink!"

Demands, demands, and more demands,
Help, Lord, it's getting tough.
I know that mothers should be kind,
but this one's had enough!

What's that, dear God? You mean to say
These children are in Your plan?
To help me learn to grow into
A more mature woman?

Dear Lord, I know You gave and gave,
Had so much patience too,
.Help me to see a mother's job
Can make me more like You.

By Jenny Hodgkinson
Printed in Above Rubies, #11.