By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 25 November 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We live in a hurting world with many bruised and broken people. You too, may have been bruised in your spirit by parents, your husband, or other people who have hurt you. I want to lift you up today. Jesus understands what it means to be bruised, because He was bruised for you (Isaiah 53:5). He is the One who heals the broken-hearted (Isaiah 61:1). If you are bruised and feel you cannot cope with life, remember that Christ wants to make you whole again.

Speaking of Jesus, Isaiah 43:3 says, "A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench." A reed is a weak and fragile plant at any time, especially a bruised reed. But, He will never crush you in your weakness. He will only heal you and make you strong. He will take you from being a crushed reed to be a sturdy "tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3). He will make you as tall, strong, and enduring as the cedars of Lebanon.

What about the smoking flax? Is the fire that once shone brightly in your heart gone out? Or maybe it's barely smoldering. Will you let Him come into your life and stir up the smoldering flames again? He wants you to burn brightly for Him.

Because Christ lives within us by His Spirit, this should also be our attitude to others, too. Oh how easy it is to be a "bruiser." We can bruise our husband and our children with hurtful words. We can dampen the flame in their hearts by our careless and negative words. Oh may God help me. I do so want to be a healer and not a bruiser. I want to be an igniter of the flame and not an extinguisher. Don't you?

Love from Nancy Campbell