Yesterday we talked of how God wants to be the God of our family. What are some of the ways we can make Him God in our home? How do we make Him preeminent? I will look forward to hearing your thoughts.

I believe that one of the ways we make God paramount in our family life is by taking time each morning and evening to read God’s Word and pray with our families. Is that too much to ask? I think it is the least that we can give God each day. If our lives are too busy and our schedule so tight that we can’t fit morning and evening devotions into our family life, then obviously other things are more important than God.

I know it takes reorganization. I know it takes effort on our part. In fact, I often say that making Family Devotions happen is 98% the wife’s part. It won’t happen if we don’t work to make it happen.

I believe we also have to watch going out too much in the evenings. It’s easy to get involved in many Christian activities, even good and worthwhile things, and yet they take away from building into our family and making God the Lord of our home. We are not to make the church the lord of our home. We are not to make “good” activities the lord of our Home. We are to make Him Lord IN OUR HOME!

Love from Nancy

P.S. I would encourage you to check out the following links: