BadAttitudesIt doesn’t take long for our children to develop bad attitudes and habits. However, one of the biggest tasks we have as parents is to correct their bad habits, so they don’t become part of their lives. We want to eradicate bad attitudes and establish good attitudes. Here are a few ideas although I know you will have more.
1. Begin with having a positive and happy attitude yourself. If we don’t live with a good attitude, even when things are going wrong, how will our children know what to do? Of course, we don’t always feel happy and joyful and in good spirits. But feelings are not the point. We don’t live by feelings; we live by the truth. And the real truth is that if Christ dwells in us, we can live in joy because HE IS JOY! Dear mother, your attitude sparks the attitude for the rest of the home.
2. If your child has already received Christ into His heart and life remind him that Jesus lives in Him. Teach Him how to yield to Jesus rather than yield to his feelings and the flesh. You can start teaching your children this habit from when they are young.
3. Sing with them. “Come on, Johnny, let’s sing together.” Get him singing a joyful song with you. Do you know “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart”? That’s a good one with actions too. Don’t let him off the hook. Get all the children singing to help him along if necessary.
4. Inspire positive attitudes by doing a weekly competition. Pin up on the fridge the names of your children with columns for each day of the week. As you notice good attitudes give them stickers. When they have a good or bad attitude, put a black mark. The one who gets the most stickers for the week receives a prize. Make it something special.
5. If they wake up in the morning or come to the table with a sour and glum face, encourage them to put on a smile. If they are stubborn and refuse, they should go to their room until they are ready to come to the table with a happy face.
Don’t allow your children to get away with bad attitudes and moods. These habis must be broken while they are young.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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