By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 03 July 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What is the first thing you do when you start the day as a family? 1 Timothy 2:1-3 tells us. I shared about it yesterday and I have been thinking more about this Scripture. It tells us that the FIRST THING we should do is pray. Well, my husband and I pray for our family before we do anything else. But, I have to confess that we eat breakfast before we pray as a family. At least we all pray together before we get on to our plans for the day!

If we really mean business, if we are truly desperately concerned for our nation, if we truly have a burden for prayer, it will be TOP PRIORITY to start the day. I think we have to change our mindset, don't you? The Bible says, FIRST OF ALL! Is this how we feel about praying together as a family? Is this what we do? Do our children see that prayer takes precedence and first priority in our home?

And what are we to do? It's more than saying a little prayer each. We have to be earnest. We have to pour out our hearts to God. This Scriptures tells us to get into "supplications, prayers (EARNESTLY PRAYING), intercessions, and giving of thanks..."

And it's all so we can live a QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE! We have the answer so let's do it.

Love from Nancy Campbell