Matthew 4:4: Jesus said, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Jesus quoted this Scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3: “He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna . . . that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.”
Do you notice that word EVERY again? We don’t take from the Bible only the parts that suit us. We live by EVERY word that God has given. This Scripture is the basis of how we live. It is our worldview. This is what Deuteronomy tell us. By EVERY word of God DOTH MAN LIVE!
How do you live? What is your worldview? Is it guided by the humanistic values of this world? Or is it founded on God’s living and eternal Word?
I believe we must search God’s Word for our answer on every subject. It is the premise for our every decision. It is the basis for every course we take in life. It is the foundation for every belief we have and impart to our children.
Of course, how can we live by His Words if we don’t know them? How can your children live by God’s Words if they don’t grow up knowing them? And how can they be filled with His truths if they are sitting all day in a godless, humanistic public education system?
Dear mothers, we MUST be far more familiar with what God says than with the humanistic voices of this society. And yet sadly, many Christians determine the course of their lives by the world view of our socialist, feminist, and humanistic society today.
Often, God’s Word does not fit in with our circumstances. It’s the opposite of how we feel! It doesn’t fit in with our plans and dreams. But are we going to put all those aside and conduct our lives by His living Word, no matter what? Or do we cave in?
It’s time God’s people became who they say they are—God’s separated people, believing His Word, standing on His promises, resisting the enemy, and refusing all deception.
This is the mandate we have been given from God to raise families—godly children who are solidly, firmly, strongly, resolutely, and richly FILLED with His truth.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell