By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 01 October 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


God's ways are always opposite to our fleshly ways. We think if we hold on to our rights we'll win. We think that if we make sure we keep everything we need for ourselves we'll have plenty. But, God's ways are different. Jesus said that if we try to save our life we'll lose it, but if we freely lose our life we'll find it (Mark 8:35).

Proverbs 11:24-25 says, "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that witholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." We usually think of these words in the context of giving to the needy, financially and materially, but I believe it is even bigger than that.

We have to have an attitude of liberality in every department of our lives. It is so easy to have a stingy attitude, isn't it? And therefore we withhold blessings from those around us. How often do we withhold words of love, blessing, and kindness from our husband and children? We may think the words, but don't get to say them. Or, many times we can be too busy thinking about ourselves to take time to think of positive words to speak to those around us. "The liberal soul" literally means "the blessing soul."

How often we withhold cuddles and kisses, just because we get too busy. Don't worry, I am challenging myself as well as you! Because of selfishness we withhold God from blessing us with children and thereby we deny the world and eternity of blessings. And yes, we can be stingy about sexual intimacy. That's a horrible stinginess.

Let's ask God to work in us a generous and liberal attitude, freely giving in every area. We won't lose. We'll only be blessed.

Love from Nancy Campbell