Don't you hate being in debt? There are always so many bills to pay and you are scrounging from here and there to pay them.

I've got some good news for you. There is one debt you don't have to pay! Oh yes, there is great pressure on us to pay this debt, and many times we pay it unnecessarily. What is it? It is the debt to our flesh--our feelings and fleshly desires. Romans 8:12 says, "We are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh." In others words, we are not obligated to the flesh one tiny bit!

You do not have to give into that anger! You do not have to give into bitterness and self-pity. You do not have to retort back to your husband. Instead, deny your feelings and flesh! That means say No to it, and yield to the Holy Spirit instead. The life of Jesus, who lives in you, is filled with love, patience, longsuffering, and joy.

If only we could go through each day being reminded of this truth! What a difference it will make to the atmosphere of our home. What a difference it will make to our marriage relationship and to our children who are learning how God wants them to live.

Love from Nancy Campbell