By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 27 December 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Proverbs 26:8 tells us that to bind a stone in a sling is as bad as giving honor to a fool! A stone in a sling is not meant to be bound up but to go forth to hit the target. It goes forth to slay the enemy. In the same way, we are foolish to bind up God's truth and hide it. God intends His words to go out from our mouths to accomplish God's plans and purposes (Isaiah 55:11). The spoken word has great power. God created the world with His Word. Many times, we hold back divine miracles from happening in our lives because we are too shy, too afraid, or too lazy to speak out the word of the Lord.

Let's not hide the precious stones of God's truths in our slings of ignorance, intimidation, fear, and shyness. Read God's Words to your family daily. Speak the words God puts on your heart to your children, and to those you come in contact with. Open your mouth and pray for your children and others when they are hurting, either emotionally or physically. Speak the powerful name of Jesus to resist the devil. Never hold back. Never keep these stones in your sling. Shoot them forth.

Psalm 107:20 says, "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." He didn't hide His word but SENT IT FORTH! Miracles happened when He sent forth His word. Miracles will happen to your family and to others when you open your mouth, too!

God works in verbs, not nouns. Here are some of the things Psalm 147:2-20 tells us that God does:

He wants to do these same things through us. He wants you to get out these God-given stones and send them out to bind up, strengthen, bless, make peace, and declare the words of the Lord.

Don't hold back divine miracles.

Love from Nancy Campbell