By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 27 April 2023
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


When you hear about some who “walks with God” you imagine someone who walks a godly life and who does great things for God. You think, “I wish I could walk with God like that but I’m just mothering children in my home. I don’t have time to do anything special for God.”

The opposite is true. To walk with God is to raise children. Two times the Bible says that “Enoch walked with God” (Genesis 5:21, 22). The full Scripture says: “Enoch walked with God . . . and begat sons and daughters.” Here is a man who had such a wonderful relationship with God that he didn’t even die. “God took him.” The NLT renders it: “Enoch lived 365 years, WALKING IN CLOSE FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.”
Dear mother, God wants you to walk in close fellowship with Him as you mother your children. You are not doing this great job on your own. God is with you. Every moment. When you are doing the most mundane tasks. When you are doing the same tasks repeatedly each day. Not one chore is insignificant. Each one is sacred because He is with you and abides in you.
No matter how you feel. God is with you. He is Emmanuel, GOD WITH US! Your feelings are not facts. They come and go and change with the wind. But the real truth is that whatever is happening, good or bad, GOD IS WITH YOU!
Acknowledge His presence with you. Thank Him that He is with you. Thank Him that you are in His perfect will as you mother your children. Rejoice that He is with you. Thank Him for every little blessing that happens—a smile from one of your children, the adoring look of your baby as you nurse him at the breast, food to prepare for lunch and supper, your husband who provides for you, and on and on. Bring every little sigh to Him. Don’t take one burden on yourself because He is with you to carry your burdens and He is so much better at it that you. He is bigger than every problem you face.
God delights to be with you in your home. He created you for the home. He created you for motherhood. He planned each son and daughter He has given to you and He is with you to help you raise them for His glory. He wants to walk with you and He wants you to walk with Him in close relationship just like Enoch did, all the while you are raising sons and daughters.
Be encouraged today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by William Sergeant Kendall.