By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 04 September 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you complain that all you seem to do is serve everyone in your home? Oh forgive me. I have been guilty of making the same complaint! However, did you know that serving belongs to rulers? It belongs to kings and queens.

When Rehoboam (King Solomon's son) was about to become king of Israel he asked advice about how he should rule. The elders who had advised his father said to him, "If thou wilt be a SERVANT unto this people this day, and wilt SERVE THEM, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants forever" (1 Kings 12:7). These words were not spoken to a servant, but to one about to rule the richest kingdom on earth at that time.

God has also given mothers a kingdom to rule. He has put into our hands the task of managing our family and household. As the Managing Director of our home, we should also have this same attitude, the attitude of serving. It is the spirit of serving that will make you a great ruler. It is the secret of leadership.

Sadly, Rehoboam didn't take this advice and instead lost 10 of the tribes of Israel. Don't lose your authority. Embrace the spirit of serving.

Love from Nancy Campbell