It is so easy to become complacent, isn't it? We get into a groove and find it comfortable. We may love the Lord with all our heart, but if we in a rut, we are a sitting duck for the enemy. We cannot stand still. We must continually move forward. God is always leading us onwards to more and more of all that He has for us.

When we get into a rut, God sometimes needs to prick our nest. Or give us a push! One of the Hebrew words that is used for teaching our children God's ways is "lamad." It comes from a root word that means an ox goad which they used to prod the oxen to keep them working.

In Gary Inrig's book, "Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay," he tells the story of an old man traveling on an ocean liner." A huge storm blew up without warning. One woman lost her balance and fell overboard. People stood frozen with horror. Suddenly, a man plunged into the wages, grabbed her, and held her until a rescue boat came. When they were pulled out, everyone was astonished and embarrassed to discover that the hero was the oldest man on the boat--a man in his eighties.

That evening they held a party to honor him. When they called on him to make a speech, the old man rose slowly. He looked around at the people, then said, "I would like to know just one thing." There was an embarrassed silence. "Who pushed me?"

To move forward in God's kingdom we often need a push. or perhaps lots of goading. Our children need goading. Making a set time to have Family Devotions with our children each day gives God an opportunity to gently push our children in His ways and lead them on to all that God has planned for them. There is nothing more powerful than the daily input of God's Word. Weekly church attendance (not just when we feel like it) is also important in the lives of our children. It gives another opportunity for God to push them into His ways.

Let's not get comfortable in our nest, but always be open to God's pricks. We don't like it when our nest is upset, but often this is the only way God can lead us on to new things He has for our lives. If God had not pricked our nest in New Zealand, we would never have moved on to Australia. After nearly 10 years in Australia, God upset our nest again. It was a very difficult time to go through, but if it hadn't happened, we would not be in USA today where we know we are God's perfect will. We need God's pricks and pushes.

Love from Nancy Campbell