As he was nearing death, David encouraged his son, Solomon with these words, "Be thou strong therefore, and show thyself a man" (1 Kings 2:2). The HCSB translation says, "Be strong and be courageous like a man." I like the Knox Version. Wherever it talks about being strong and courageous, he translates it, "Play the man." In other words, to act like a man means to be strong and courageous.

How old was Solomon when he became king? Some commentaries say 12 years old. Josephus says he was 14 years old. And other commentaries say 20 years old. Whatever is correct, he was a very young man, and yet expected to be strong and courageous and take on the governing of a nation.

We have lessened our expectations for young men today. In fact, it seems this nation wants to dumb them down. They are frowned on for doing manly things and babied into their twenties. Yes, mothers, we'll mother and smother our little baby sons, but as they grow, we'll take our hands off, let go of fear, and allow them to grow into men--at a young age!

Why do so many young men get into trouble in their teens? There's never meant to be a teen stage. By the time they are 12, they should be training in manhood and have opportunity to do manly things and act like a man. They should face difficulties with courage and strength. They should be preparing to provide for a home.

Let's raise men, not wimps!

Love from Nancy