By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 15 July 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


How does the virtuous woman treat her husband? Proverbs 12:31 says, "She will do him GOOD and not evil ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE." What does it mean to "do him good"?

The Hebrew word for "good" is translated by 43 different words in the Bible. In fact, it is not only "good," but "goodlier," and "goodliest!" As we look at some of these other words we get more of an idea on how to do good to our husband.

It is translated "best" eight times and "better" 72 times. You are to be the best wife for your husband, better than any other wife. Seek to always be the best for him--the best lover, best helper, best encourager, best cook, best homemaker, and the best at making him the happiest man in the world.

It is translated "cheerful," "glad," "joyful," and "merry." This sounds like a happy home, doesn't it? A cheerful attitude will make a happy husband. A nagging and complaining wife sends a man running and certainly doesn't do him any good (Proverbs 15:15; 19:13b; 21:9, 19; 25:24; 27:15). Don't load him with all your problems the moment he walks in the door. Welcome him with a happy smiling face.

It is translated "kind." Can you think of kind things to do for your husband? Can you lavish him with kind and loving words?

It is translated "please, pleasing, and pleasure." Seek to be pleasing to your husband in the way you serve him, submit to him, respect and honor him, dress for him, and love him. Delight to give him pleasure.

It is translated "sweet." Will you be s-w-e-e-e-e-t to him today?

Here are a few more of the 43 words for you to think about--"beautiful, bountiful, loving, pleasant, and precious." And what about "most"? Seek to be the MOST wonderful wife your husband could ever dream about. Be the MOSTEST!

Love from Nancy Campbell