By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


There is always far more going on behind the scenes than we ever dream about, isn't there? Here's another thing we need to be aware of.

Did you know that public schools now have a new textbook called, World History, which promotes Islam and dumbs down Christianity? This book has a 36-page chapter devoted to teaching Islam as a peaceful religion and Muslim conquests as benign "occupations," but Christian conquests as "massacres." The book practically ignores Christianity, except to teach that Christians are the ones who kill, maim, and slaughter.

Can you believe this is happening in our country that was founded on Christian principles? And your tax dollars are paying for this brainwashing.

Informative Christian parents can no longer keep their children in public schools.

Let's wake up before it is too late.

Love from Nancy