Like a shepherd of sheep, we as mothers are shepherding the little flock God has given to us. A shepherd must be both BRAVE as he protects his sheep from wild animals and enemies and TENDER as he personally cares for them. We too, must be both brave and tender.

We must be brave and courageous to rescue our children from all attack of the enemy. Think of David who when a bear or a lion would get one of his little lambs, he would strike down the animal and rescue the lamb out of its mouth! And if the lion or bear reared its head against him, he'd grab it by the throat and beat it to death! (1 Samuel 17:34-37). That's bravery! Nothing would get one of his little lambs!

What about us? Today the enemy is seducing and infiltrating the minds of our precious young children with humanism, feminism, socialism, and every other "ism" (and now even the stronger and stronger influence of the homosexual agenda) in our state schools. Are we happy for them to be controlled by the mouths of the lion? Or are we fearless and daring enough to rescue our lambs out of their deceiving and destructive mouth?

Love from Nancy