By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog

AFFIRM WHO YOU ARE! (Part 7--last one in this series today)

Choose one of these positive statements to confess out loud today. Write or type it up in bold letters to pin up in your kitchen to remind you.

I am liberated and anointed to be the person God created me to be. I am deaf to accusations and dumb to my accusers.
I am helping to prepare an army of invaders who will fill this land with God's glory.
I am reporting for duty each morning to the King of kings.
I am making my home richer each day, not with material goods, but with lasting treasures.
I am no longer floundering for I have a purpose.
As a mother, I determine the destiny of the nation.

Be encouraged, dear mother. There is no career that has the backing of God more than motherhood.

Love from Nancy Campbell