By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 03 June 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


It is important to constantly affirm who God created you to be and who you are in your high and noble calling of motherhood. Here are a few affirmations for you today. Write them out, bold and big, and pin them up where you can be reminded. And don't forget to SPEAK THEM OUT LOUD!

And remember, you don't speak these affirmations because you feel like it. You may feel exactly the opposite! But, forget your feelings. They come and go. They are temporary. Truth is the real issue, and when you speak truth, you will be amazed how your whole being--emotionally, physically, and spiritually, will catch up with your confession.

I am a fulfilled and liberated homemaker.

I am created to be a nurturer.

I am a dangerous woman to the enemy as I raise arrows for God's army.

I am a full-time missionary, training laborers for God's harvest field.

I am involved in the greatest building program in the nation--building a godly dynasty!

I am a family strengthener.

Love from Nancy Campbell