By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 20 May 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


It's so easy to get stuck in the grind of what we are doing each day, isn't it? Often we can't get our mind past the moment. But, God is a forever God and He wants us to have a forever mentality. And especially in the raising of our children. He wants us o be faithful in imparting His Word and His ways to our children so that they will be so ingrained in them that they will pass them on to their children, and their children to their children, continuing down through the generations.

Listen to what Isaiah 59:21 says, "'As for me, this is my covenant with them,' says the Lord: 'My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring's offspring,' says the Lord, 'from now AND FOREVER."

God wants His words to be in the mouths of our children and their generations FOREVER! This takes vision. This takes prayer. This takes reading God's Word daily to our children (morning and evening). This takes more than getting it into their hearts. It takes getting it into their mouths, SO THEY WILL KEEP PASSING IT ON to each generation and FOREVER.

Can we raise our vision to get a FOREVER MENTALITY?

Love from Nancy