We cannot be passionate lovers of God without being passionate lovers of His truth.

This nation desperately needs men who passionately love the truth.

Many may be believers, but how many are disciples?

Christianity has had a strong influence on North American culture ever since its birth as a nation. And yet, because of mediocrity and comfortable living, coupled with an abundance of material wealth, the love of many has waxed cold. Evangelistic fervency is barely simmering. Like the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:4 we have left our first love. Like the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-16 we are neither cold or hot. We have become lukewarm and in danger of being spewed out of the God's mouth!

Some may dispute such statements, branding them as too condemning. To them, the divorce rate in the church, the porn in the church, the increasing liberalism of the church, and the abortion in the church is nothing to get too upset about.

We would not have a second term, pro-communist, pro-homosexual, and pro-abortionist as our president if it wasn't for many so-called Christian liberals in our churches who voted him back in. When morals in leadership do not matter anymore, and when we are afraid to speak out from our pulpits in fear of losing our tax exempt status, it shows that we again need men in this country who are passionate lovers of the truth.

Be encouraged to be a passionate truth lover. Colin