The men who dare to be different will not be known to be different unless they speak up!


"Speak now, or forever hold your peace." These words are spoken in conservative wedding vows to those who have any reason why the couple should not be joined together in holy matrimony.

Those who dare to be different, who refuse to allow the people of "the box" to ruin our country and values that have stood the test of time, must speak up now! There is a time to speak up in a court room, for when the Judge has given sentence, it will be too late.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace" is the clarion call for Christians in this hour. Soon it will be too late. We must all do our part. Yes, you have a voice. If you can use your voice for everyday things, you can use your to speak up for what is right--to your work associates, friends in the church, or outside the church.

We must publically deplore the attack on our nation's constitution. Our right to bear arms is being seriously attacked. Our right to freedom of speech is being attacked in order to shut down conservative opinion. What a sad day it will be when it is too late.

Ask God to give you an opportunity speak for truth today.

Be encouraged. Colin