2 Corinthians 8:9 says, "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich."

Big-hearted men and women are the greatest influence for good in the nation. There is no natural resource greater than God-inspired big-heartedness. It can change the world.

Do people around you know you as a big-hearted man? If not, why not?

Big-heartedness is not necessarily something you are born with. I think it is rather something that's imbibed or received from big-hearted parents.

Big-heartedness is a great influence for good. If one grows up in a mean, tight-fisted environment, they will be influenced the same way. Whole nations can be small-minded, inhospitable, mean, and selfish because they have been influenced this way by negative parents and national leaders. What a tragedy.

On the other hand, entire nations can be known to be big-hearted and generous. Having come from a foreign country, I can say that this nation of USA is well-known for its big-hearted and generous spirit. Long may this attitude continue.

It is a fact that following a revival or awakening that whole areas, cities, and nations become big-hearted and generous. England, USA, and other European countries sent forth missionaries, opened orphanages, hospitals, and schools all over the world.

Be encouraged. Colin