We must, by the grace of God, have our hearts changed from being self-centered men who are primarily taken up with our own comforts. Even the comforts of our family can be self-centered and far too tight and restricted for the great heart of God who so desires to bless others in their state of need.

Some may say, "Charity begins at home." Yes, that is true. Charity does begin at home, but it does not end there! God "so loved the WORLD." Not just the home. Not only Israel, although He has a special love for Israel which we will soon see displayed.

I believe that the great big loving heart of God that beholds the poverty and pain of so many in this world must be grieved by His own people's narrow mindedness and self-centeredness. I believe that God has ordained that all the human suffering in this world should be relieved and overcome by the intercessions, prayers, and love-giving of His people. In a way, God has divinely, although not entirely, limited Himself to the prayers and intercessions of His people.

God's people are called to be gap-standers (Isaiah 59:16; Psalm 106:23; Ezekiel 22:30), binders and losers (Matthew 16:19; 18:18), and intercessors (1 Timothy 2:1). In some cases, when God looks for His people's involvement but finds none, He acts sovereignly. But, His judgments may be tempered, even averted, by His people who have hearts big enough to be involved with the painful needs of this world.

Be encouraged. Colin