We love to sing the amazing hymn, "Great is Thy faithfulness." It seems a pity to me that the same words cannot always be sung about us men who profess to be His followers. And yet, the great faithful One dwells within us (1 Corinthians 3:16). What a paradox!

Men who profess Christ should be faithful in every area of their lives. God is calling for faithfulness in marriage, fatherhood, business deals, employment, prayer, and reading the Word of God. A man's word should be his bond. It should never be said that a Christian man cannot be trusted to keep his word.

One cannot be faithful, and at the same time go back on his word. It is wrong that politicians do it all the time. In some cases, they are respected by men, but they are certainly not respected by God. And in the end, they will have to answer to Him.

All stewards must be faithful. This is a number one requirement. 1 Corinthians 4:2 says, "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."

Stewards are household managers. They are in charge of all the affairs and servants of the house or estate and are answerable only to the owner.

Men, we are steward of our body which is the house of God. We are also steward of our families that belong to God.

Be encouraged. Colin.