One could understand why non-Christians and atheists would want to limit their family, by whatever means available to them, as they have no understanding of God’s primary reason for man’s creation.
However, all of heaven must be amazed and sad that so many Bible believing Christians are almost as unbelieving as non-believers on this subject, expecting for abortion. And even abortion is accepted by a large number of mainline Protestant churches who have unfortunately long forgotten how to protest against such evil as the murder of innocent life.
Even Muslims do not go along with birth control, let alone abortion. They must despise us infidel Christians for the way we have cheapened conception and birth by accepting our “own family planning” with God out of the plan.
I can understand our not wanting our own likeness and image to be multiplied, but who are we to stand in the way of God’s likeness and image being multiplied? Do we think the world does not need more of His truth, His love, His peace, His justice and His light? For this is His image.
Be encouraged. Colin