By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Last week my wife and returned from a ten-day trip to our homeland of New Zealand. It was marvelous to enjoy our country again. It is very beautiful, scenic, and very fertile and lush. There must be something about the atmosphere over New Zealand as all the colors of nature are so vivid to the human eye.

The New Zealand national emblem is the silver fern tree (the ponga). However, there are many different fern plants and trees in New Zealand. Although this country is away Downunder and relatively close to the Antarctic region it has four seasons and a moderate climate enabling it to grow grass all the year round.

One morning, Nancy and I went for an amazing and exhilarating walk through a glade of ponga ferns. Each fern tree has an amazing umbrella of large fern branches. Beside the track flowed a beautiful stream. What a blessing.

Unfortunately, government/wise New Zealand has become increasingly socialistic and humanistic with very liberal morals. They do not get the truth regarding the United States political situation. CNN and other liberal, mainline media are doing their best to malign, accuse, hate, lie, and in general do their best to turn not only the USA, but the entire world against our president, Donald Trump.

Most don’t know anything about Fox news, who at least, generally speaking, give a fair and balanced agenda.

We Christian families must continue to pray for our president that he will be humble, and yet bold. That he will be wise and not foolish. We need to pray that he will be strong to bear the hateful slanderous words that are daily spoken against him.

We must pray that he will not trust in his own strength or brilliance of mind but become a praying president. We must pray that he will truly experience Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

We must pray that God will give him the desires of his heart as he seeks to earnestly protect this nation’s borders from being violated and to protect us from the human trafficking, murderous gangs, murderers, rapists, Middle Eastern terrorists, and all types of dangerous and illegal drugs.

It makes complete sense that it is wrong for any people to enter this great country illegally. As we would not want people to come into our own homes illegally and help themselves to everything in our shelves, pantries, and cupboards, so we should not want this for our country. Anyone with any brains knows this is flat out wrong.

We must pray that God will change the hearts of our liberal and socialist media. We must pray that our government schools will be disqualified from indoctrinating our nation’s children with all this socialistic junk concerning sex changing, identity politics, homosexual acceptance, etc. All our public schools need to teach our children is the basics as well as the helpful sciences, trades, and careers that will enable them to succeed in life. All this other junk must be rejected.

I pray that this country, the good old USA, flatly refuses all this clap trap that is being pushed by the failing economies of those who belong to the so-called United Nations. We must pray that God will help us to make America great again for without His help it cannot happen.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. We have available a list of biblical prayers David prayed for his enemies. If you would like to use this list in praying for Donald Trump’s enemies, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..