Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

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twostateDear men of God,

Can I solicit your prayers? I am so grateful for our president in all that he is doing for our nation and standing strongly for life and for that which is right.

However, since he shared about his DEAL OF THE CENTURY, which although gives to Israel, it also takes land away from Israel, some of the West Bank and part of Jerusalem. This is very serious because God plainly says in Joel 3:2 that He is going to bring judgment on the nations that DIVIDE HIS LAND! No one can get away with diving the land of Israel, which is God’s land.

I have therefore written a short email and a longer letter to the president. Could you please pray that he will receive the message of this letter and will understand the implications of giving up land for peace?

You may also like to email the president also and encourage him to never give away one inch of Israel’s land.

I am emailing this letter to you so you can pray with me about this important matter. I will send it in three segments so you don’t have to read it all in one day.

Thank you so much.

~ Colin Campbell

Dear Mr. President:

May I present to you my concerns regarding THE DEAL OF THE CENTURY.

Firstly, I want to thank you profusely for your unwavering support for little Israel (so small as far as land mass is concerned and yet so large as far as political and spiritual influence). The whole of our Judaic/Christian value system has its roots and foundations in the land of Israel.

When we make a deal with Israel, in a sense, we make a deal with God’s chosen land. Since God, in His sovereignty decided to make Israel and the city of Jerusalem His special place of residence, who are we to dispute or contend with Almighty God?

When God made a covenant with Abraham regarding the land of Israel, He spoke of the literal land (Genesis 12:1 and 17:8).

Genesis 12:3 He says: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” God has promised to bless the nations and their leaders who bless Israel.

Thank you, Mr. President for placing our American Embassy in Jerusalem. This was indeed a great encouragement to Israel who desperately need our encouragement.
Thank you, Mr. President for your strong heartfelt support for this little nation, so despised by so many of the powerful nations of the world, and yet at the same time so dearly loved by God.

Mr. President, I remember that soon after you were inaugurated, you showed great friendship to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (which Obama never did). You also mentioned you would not interfere with their struggle with the Palestinians but that you would support Israel.

God blessed your presidency because of this, and this blessing has been miraculous, given the short time of only three and a half years. Contrary to world opinion, you are blessing Israel by endorsing their right to build up and restore certain areas of the West Bank. I am sure that you have Israel’s best interest at heart.

The real truth is what the Holy Bible says, not what mortal man says. And the truth is that the whole of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) belong to Israel (even if Israel is willing to give portions of it away to the Palestinians to keep in favor with the world) and maybe save themselves from a few less rocket attacks.

Sad to say, the Palestinians hate Israel with a dreadful hatred and thus bring upon themselves the judgment of Almighty God.

To be continued tomorrow.

~ Colin


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