patienceMen, another great test that David (the most loved king in all the history of Israel) had to experience was patience. King Saul's ascendance to the throne of Israel, from the time of his anointing in 1 Samuel 10:1 until the time of his beginning to reign was almost immediate (1 Samuel 13:1). One of King Saul's greatest weaknesses was the lack of patience (1 Samuel 13:8-14).

From the time of David's anointing in 1 Samuel 16:13 until the beginning of his reign over Judah was approximately seven years (2 Samuel l2l:4). He then had to wait another eight years before he reigned over all of Israel--fifteen years in total. Surely David's patience was certainly tried. There were several times that David had the opportunity to kill King Saul--to have exercised presumption and forced his own reign upon Israel. After all, had he not been anointed to be king over all Israel by the same prophet who anointed Saul? Somehow David knew in his heart that God's timing was very important for him to begin his reign.

Men, just because we may have been divinely anointed to accomplish certain things in our lives, does not mean that we do not have to exercise patience to wait for God's timing.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell