PrayNorthKoreaJeremiah 33:3: "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

Men, although we must always emphasize the absolute importance of the fruit of the Spirit as the sole evidence and qualification of who is one of Christ's disciples, we must not ever discount the truth that our God is, was, and ever will be a God of signs, wonders, and miracles. Even redemption, as typified in Exodus with the children of Israel being delivered from the bondage of Egypt (the type of the world, the flesh, and the devil) came through mighty signs, wonders and miracles such as the world has never seen before or since.

The power of the sacrificial blood placed on the door posts and lintels of God's covenanted people delivered them from the Angel of Death. The families of Egypt, including Pharaoh, lost their first born of both man and beast.

We cannot even be born again without a miraculous new birth. How much more then do we need the Spirit's miraculous working in our lives from day to day to enable us to live in victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil?

According to "The Christian Post" North Korea is closing down several of its concentration camps, which on the surface appears to be good news. However, the article suggests they are they closing them down because of the brutal extermination program going on in these camps where "there are at least 100,000 Christians in that nation's harsh prison camps, where prisoners face torture, forced labor and possible execution." They also write: "Up to 50,000 prisoners of conscience were brutally starved and enslaved at Yodok concentration camp, having been subjected to arbitrary executions, systematic torture, and sexual violence, the coalition believes." I read an article on New Year's Eve about the massive fireworks celebrations where 2,000 political prisoners in North Korea were put to death.

As you already know, there are far too many evil regimes and governments in this world that are raging barbaric evil and slaughter on innocent people. It is imperative that Christians, who still live in the free world, pray in the name of Jesus Christ that God, through signs, wonders, and miracles, will speedily bring down every corrupt, evil, and murderous government, religion, and organization. God has ordained that His people should first pray with believing and interceding prayers and then He will respond with signs, wonders, and miracles.

Men, pray with your wife and family today for North Korea, China, the Middle East countries, and all those in the 10/40 window. Do not put it off.

For your information and daily prayer:

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell