By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 04 April 2013
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


As Christian men, we must realize the importance of this hour in which we live. This is, right now, a most challenging hour. There is nothing that weakens a nation quicker than legalized national immorality. If homosexuality gets the nation's stamp of approval to the point of equal status with heterosexual marriage, it will be huge jump in the wrong direction. The problem with this jump is that it does not make it to the other side of safety, but plunges the nation into a bottomless pit from which there is no return.

At times like this we Christian men must stand up and speak out for righteousness for it seems there are plenty on the other side. The President, the liberal media, the feminists, the liberal churches which are the 21st century synagogues of Satan (Revelation 2:9: 3:9 are all spewing out their favor of this abominable evil. It is indeed time for us Christians to clothe ourselves with the cloak of zeal. Read about Phinehas in Numbers 25. Although I am not promoting physical javelins, a well-written article of denunciation can be a javelin, or a fiery protest of speech can be an effective javelin. Wherever we are we can all wield this type of javelin. There is also the javelin throwing prayer meeting where we can attack the unclean devils that are driving this abomination.

All Christians churches should be roaring their disapproval, but sadly many remain like timid lambs. How deploringly weak. How disgustingly anemic. How pathetically yellow. What has happened to us that our voices are strangely silent when we should be roaring with the roaring of the Lion of Judah?

Be clad with zeal and start roaring against this nation weakening sin before it's too late. Wherever you are and whenever the opportunity presents itself, do not be silent. Roar your disapproval. Jesus roared His disapproval at the sacrilege in the temple. The Scripture says that He was consumed with zeal.

The zeal of God will make all the difference between the weak and the strong. If ever there was a time in this nation's history to be clothed with zeal, IT MUST BE NOW.

Be encouraged. Colin