Men, if our wives feel they are not appreciated in the home for the sacrifices they make, they will be tempted to go back to the work place, and nest will not be the same. If we grumble about not having enough money to pay the bills, once again they will be tempted to leave the home and join the corporate life, or even wait on tables that are not their own. The home will suffer because of her absence.

Mothers have come home in this revival of parenting. This has made home a far better place to live. Motherhood is synonymous with the home. A mother cannot be effective in her role while at the corporate office or waiting upon tables.

Men, we must do all we can to bless and encourage our wives to remain at home. Homeschooling is not possible if our wives are at work. Private Christian schools are often expensive and can put more financial pressure on a wife to vacate the home for the work place.

If you have lost your employment, seek to quickly find something else, even a lesser temporary job, in order to ease the pressure on your wife to leave the home.

Be encouraged to encourage. Colin