There is a rock of much strength filled,
For upon this rock the nations build.
As granite cliffs rise strong and tall
The rock of fatherhood should never fall.

When fathers of wisdom, strong and bold,
Stand up for their families, God’s ways to hold,
Blessing will flow from heaven above
And fill those families with God’s great love.

But forces of darkness, cunning and sinister,
Much disturbed that fathers should minister
To the needs of their families, small or great,
Have unanimously decided, ‘Fatherhood – liquidate!’

The fight is on, hell’s in a storm,
Destroy this image to which man was born,
Get rid of fatherhood, whatever the cost
And earth will suffer man’s greatest loss.

Make fathers small, make them a shrimp,
Turn them into a jellyfish wimp,
Alcohol, drugs, anything goes,
Even to bash his family with blows.

Make him too busy to take the family away
On a fine day’s outing or school holiday,
Better to hit golf balls around the green
Than take family away to a nice mountain stream.

“Adultery, adultery,” the devil cries.
This wrecks the family and fatherhood dies.
Let feminists rise and take his place
And this will give God a slap in the face!

Let’s change his appetites, make man a boar
Who follows his lusts for a sleazy whore.
Oh yes, oh yes, if that’s not effectual,
We’ll turn him into a gay homosexual.

Yet ignorance, plain ignorance is the best tool
To destroy fatherhood and make man a fool.
For who will take time to study, excel
To raise sons and daughters, God’s ways to tell?

Fathers arise, stand up and be counted,
Be part of the army that God has mounted
To revive, restore and bring back from the sand
The highest role God has given to man.