Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Genesis 1:28 says, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth . . . " The first thing we notice is that fruitfulness and multiplication is directly connected to the first blessing God ever gave to man. This is important to note because it points to the significance of that blessing. All other blessings that man receives from God are subsequent to this first blessing.
We need to understand that fruitfulness and multiplication of God's likeness and image is indeed a high priority with God, to the point that He made it His No. 1 blessing (and very first blessing to man).
We 21st contrary Christians need to have our eyes opened to this truth because in these days, not only do we fail to see fruitfulness as a No. 1 blessing from God, but many see it as a No. 1 problem. God would not have made this His first original mandate if it was not a priority to Him. The truth is that whatever is a high priority to God should also be a high priority to us who profess to be His followers.
On this point, the mainstream 21st century church is pro-choice rather than pro-life! Fruitfulness and multiplication of God's image is a take it or leave it attitude. We are not in sync with God.
Take note further. God is not blessing us primarily with the fruitfulness and multiplication of OUR IMAGE, although He lets us have the joys of family resemblance. God wants His likeness multiplied in the earth. So should we, for the world needs His image much more than it needs ours.
Be encouraged in the truth,
Colin Campbell
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