By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Song of Solomon 8:5 says, “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?

I do not think this bride went into the wilderness leaning on the arms of her beloved. Something happened to her in the wilderness that brought about this change. It took a wilderness of trials and testings to find out for sure whether her beloved could be trusted enough to lean upon him.

In the trials of the wilderness, when other women came in contact with her husband, she found that he could be relied upon to be faithful to the covenant he had made with her. In this area of life, his arms were worthy to be leaned upon. In times of sorrow and grief or the loss of a loved one she learned that his arms were there to hold her up. In times of economic hardship, when provision looked bleak, somehow he always found a way to meet the family’s needs. In times of separation through war or occupational demands, she found her beloved’s arms could always be relied upon.

Men, if you are out of work right now, do not sit around waiting for something to turn up. Do not send your wife out to work when her place is at home with the children. Take part-time work yourself. Work a couple of low paid jobs. Do not look to the government. This is a test to see just how dependable your arms really are.

Be encouraged. Colin