As role models to our children, we must keep our lives increasingly close to God. If our battery is not spiritually charged daily, our role modeling will lack the necessary spiritual dynamics to affect our children's spiritual development.

We must never forget that God, from the beginning of creation, has destined all mankind to be created into the image of His only Beloved Son. There are some fathers who are excellent role models who do not know Christ. However, I am talking about godly role modeling--molding our children into the image of Christ. We most definitely need divine assistance to help us with this godly objective.

Men, even the cars we drive have to have an alternator to keep the battery charged while we drive. We know what happens when the battery is in poor shape, or running on low energy. Role modeling in godliness cannot happen efficiently if we do not keep plugged into Christ. This is why we need to emphasize daily devotions, both individually, as well as with the family.

Fathers, have you got your battery charged today? Your family will suffer for it if you are not charged.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell