It’s bad enough to have to put up with the propaganda and fear-mongering from the atheists of this world who seek to influence us away from multiplying the godly seed (Malachi 2:15). How heartbreaking it is when we have to listen to the same propaganda from most of our church leaders.

The “tree of the knowledge and good and evil” is full of the fruit of human wisdom and reasoning. It is full of demonically inspired knowledge and wisdom to deceive man into trusting in his own science and education in order to save the planet and make earth a supposedly better place to live. Our modern colleges, and even many churches (sad to say), are full of the fruit of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” How prideful we have become.

The contrast to this tree is the "tree of life" which encourages us to draw from God’s wisdom and knowledge. This tree promotes utter and complete dependence on God which implies a closer walk with God.

Be encouraged. Colin