Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Don’t be deceived by pursuing a lesser career than the one God has given you—the mighty career of motherhood, nurturing, teaching, and preparing the next generation into their destiny to impact this world, and ultimately eternity.
Are you still as madly in love with your husband as when you were first married? Or more? If not, it’s time to get out of the rut and do some work on your marriage. Get back to your first love. Say the things and do the things you did in the beginning that sparked your love. Turn up the element. When you turn off an element it soon gets cold. You’ve got to keep the heat turned up day and night to keep your marriage hot. Don’t even leave it on medium. Turn it up to full heat.
Of course, your husband will lead the family on Bible reading and prayer, but we as mothers prepare the way. We make the time and place and gather the family together. I have always found that the best time for our family worship is at the end of meal because the family are already gathered together. There’s nothing like food to bring the family together. We feed the body but we never leave the table until we have also nourished the soul and spirit.
Live a life of blessing and it will boomerang back to bless you. Bless you husband with words of love and positivity. Bless your children with words of kindness and encouragement. Bless everyone you meet with uplifting words. As you bless others, you will be uplifted too!
Mother, you have the most incredible privilege to bring forth life into this world, and for eternity! You are a life giver.
Mother. Your home is the most powerful place in the world to influence your children and the nation.