Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Today's Hanukkah story.
A MOTHER'S COURAGE (Day 4 of Hanukkah)
(Forgive me for sharing such a gruesome story, but it is history)!
A brave mother watched her son being killed. No, not just killed but cruelly tortured. They cut out his tongue, scalped him, cut off his hands and feet, and while he was maimed and helpless, fried him alive! In the same manner, they tortured and killed her second and third sons.
The third son cried out: "I have received these limbs from heaven, and I give them up for the sake of God's laws." Another cried out: "We are prepared to die rather than sin against our ancestral laws" (2 Maccabees 7:2, 11).
Because they would not bend and turn from God's laws this dear mother watched as Antiochus Epiphanes tortured her fourth, fifth, and sixth sons the same way. The mother had only one son left, her beloved youngest. Antiochus tried to influence the mother to save his life. He promised he would make him rich and prosperous and even a political advisor.
She obliged by turning to her youngest son saying: "Son, pity me who carried you in the womb nine months, nursed you for three years, nurtured you, and brought you into this stage of life with care. I beg you, child . . . Don't fear this killer but prove worthy of your brothers. Accept death so that in God's mercy I should recover you with your brothers" (2 Maccabees 7:27-29). She watched her last son die before she was put to death herself.
This mother was a nurturing and caring mother. But she had a vision for her children beyond this earth. She raised her sons to fear God rather than man. She raised them to stand for truth, no matter what the consequences. She raised them to see beyond this earth to the endless life of the heavenly.
May God help us to be courageous mothers. I believe it’s time for a renewal of courage which seems to have disappeared from our nation today. Instead of rising up for truth and freedom the majority are submissively cowering to ungodly mandates, lockdowns, and masks and giving up their God-given freedoms. Courage is more than a virtue. It is a muscle which must be exercised. The more we exercise it, the more we will grow in courage. And we need to exercise it now. If we don’t brave up now to face these issues in our nation, how will we fare when we face the “mark of the beast” which will eventually come? These things are like a pre-curser and prove what we will do in the final round.
The great men of faith in Hebrews 11 did not start out brave. They grew in courage. What was their testimony? “Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight” (v.34. NLT).
May God save us from being cowardly submissive and may He save us from raising wimpy, mediocre children who are seduced by the humanist trend of an ungodly society. May He anoint us with the mighty power of God to raise children who will have the courage to stand for God and for truth, no matter what persecution they face.
Ephesians 6:13: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all TO STAND.”
Have a great day,
Nancy Campbell
(You can read the whole of this amazing story in the Apocrypha in 2 Maccabees chapter seven).
The greatest thing you can do is build a strong marriage and strong godly family. Every stable and strong family help toward building a strong nation. Build a little more into your family today, something lovely, truthful, powerful, and eternal. #buildyourmarriage #buildyourfamily #youareabuilder #proverbs141 #youarewise #family #godlyfamily #godlyfamilyvalues #aboverubies #nancycampbell
You are accomplishing great things in your home.
Dear mother in the home,
Sometimes you wonder what you are accomplishing as you are daily in the home with all your little ones. You think of all the things you could be doing outside the home. But I want to encourage you today that you are in the PERFECT WILL OF GOD right where you are.
When God gives you a little baby and gradually adds to your family He doesn’t give you your children to give to someone else to raise. He gives them to YOU! You are in God’s perfect will. He created you for this great career. Embrace it and live in the joy and the fullness of it today.
#motherhood #ilovemotherhood #mother #mama #joyfulmotherhood #powerofmotherhood #gloriousmotherhood #embracemotherhood #ilovehomemaking #homemaker #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #aboverubies #cslewisquotes #cslewis
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your precious family today. May you be filled with thankfulness, today, and every day of the year.
The following are just a few of the things for which I am thankful.
T I thank God for TEACHING me His ways.
H I thank God for giving me my HUSBAND. Marriage becomes more and more beautiful with time.
A I thank God for ANOINTING me to be a mother. Is there any greater blessing, apart from our salvation, than to enjoy the blessings of children and grandchildren?
N I thank God for creating me to be a NURTURER and NOURISHER to my family and to others.
K I thank God for His KINDNESS to me.
F I thank God for my FAMILY and His daily FAITHFULNESS to me.
U I thank God for giving me UNDERSTANDING of His truth. My greatest delight is to receive revelation of God’s truth from His living Word.
L I am thankful for LIFE. I thank God for LOVING me enough to die for me and shed His precious blood for my sins. He not only redeemed me but dwells within me to give ABUNDANT LIFE. I don’t like to get a day go by without thanking Him for His great and unspeakable and eternal salvation.
Thankfulness should fill our hearts every day, but today is a special day to collectively give thanks to God for all His goodness. We will do this today as we give thanks to God and have our toasts to people for whom we are thankful.
Have a wonderful day,
Nancy Campbell
A thankful attitude changes our world. It changes our attitude toward our husbands. It changes our way of thinking toward our children. It changes how we view our homes. It determines whether we live in enjoyment or misery. It truly is a world-changer.
Here is a little comment from Charles Spurgeon on a little Scripture with only three words:
~ Nancy
“Be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
“When you are grumbling at your plain food, put this as a sandwich between your bread and butter, “Be thankful.”
When you are complaining of the east wind, just try if you cannot spell this little sentence, “Be thankful.”
When you are murmuring about those sharp pains and that long sickness, this is the kind of tune for the little bird to whistle at your window, “Be thankful.”
We have all much for which we should be thankful, however sad we may think our lot to be. Look on the bright side, rejoice in God: “Be thankful.”
~ Charles Spurgeon