


“But the people that do KNOW THEIR GOD
shall be strong and DO EXPLOITS”
(Daniel 11:32)

Is your heart burdened abgout what is happening around the world? There is so much evil being exposed. But we can’t just exclaim, “Oh, how terrible” and do nothing. We must take action.

I am always challenged by Daniel 11:32: “But the people that do KNOW THEIR GOD shall be strong and DO EXPLOITS.” Actually, to be true to the letter, the word “exploits” is not in the original but is placed there for understanding. In the Hebrew the Scripture ends at the word “do.” But of course, that means DO. That means to TAKE ACTION. The New English Translation Commentary says that the word “exploits” is a reference to the bravery of the Maccabees when as a minority they fought against Antiochus Epiphanes who wanted to eradicate Israel. They stood up against evil in the face of impossible odds.

Many other translations say: “But the people who know their God will be strong and TAKE ACTION.”

The NLT says: “But the people who know their God will be strong and will RESIST him.” The CEB says they “will strand strong and WILL ACT.”

I think of the terrible display of mockery at the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris. What is this world coming to that transgenderites can openly portray their evil by lewdly portraying the Lord’s Supper, the last meal Jesus had with His disciples before He went to the agony of the cross to die for our sins, and for their sins.

We shudder at the blatant displaying of such sacrilege. And so we should. Romans 12:9 states “Abhor that which is evil.” And the word literally means to shudder at evil.

We must pray against this evil but we must also take action. How can any God-fearing person with a good conscience before God watch the Olympics this year? To go ahead and watch them is to side with this evil. I have always loved watching the Olympics. I am amazed by the incredible expertise of the competitors. But this year I will not watch. I cannot watch. I dare not side with such evil. Will you also join so many other hundreds of Christians who are boycotting these games?

Dear mothers, if we don’t stand up against evil, it will encroach more and more upon us. Have you watched the videos of hundreds and hundreds of communists marching the streets of Philadelphia waving their big red flags. This is not in China. This is in USA!

We must take action. We must pray. And we must be ready to vote. We must vote against this current administration that wants to bring in extreme socialism. Don’t be fooled. This is their plan. And to not vote is to give a vote to the other side. And you dare not vote for an administration that believes in abortion right up until the baby is born, and even after the baby is born!

Everyone must vote for President Trump in this coming election, or our country is doomed. Why did they want to assassinate Trump, and still do? Because he is against their communist takeover. He is for our country and for “we the people.”

We must encourage every one we know to vote. If your children are now 18, make sure they are registered to vote.

I am sure you have heard the results of the latest election in Venezuela last Sunday. Seventy percent of the people voted against Madura and his communist dictatorship. Was their vote heard? No. Instead of conceding Madura sent his military to the streets to shoot their own people. The country is now militarized. Eleven more were killed last night including children. The government is rioting and persecuting the people.

For 25 years now Venezuela has been under communist rule. They were once the richest country in South America. Now, under communist rule, they are the poorest. The average wage is $5.00 a month. How do I know these things. We have a Venezuela man in our church fellowship who is touch with his family daily and who keep him abreast of all that is going on.

He continually warns us, telling us with tears in his eyes that everything he sees happening here in the United States was happening in Venezuela leading up to the communist takeover.

Daniel 11:32 must become our Scripture in this hour. We must teach it to our children. We must pray daily with our children for God to save this country. We must stand against evil. We must prepare to vote.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell



Dear Lord Jesus, my heart grieves as I see all the evil happening in this world. Please strengthen me to expose it and resist it. Help me to never get used to it. Help me to be bold and courageous to stand against all these evils. Dear Lord Jesus, You came to destroy the works of the devil. Now You dwell in me by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now you want to destroy the works of the devil through me. Help me to be a devil destroyer. In the name of Jesus, Amen,”


I will not be silent in the face of evil. I will expose it, speak against it pray against it, and vote against it.

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