Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


Just Stand

Keep shining in your home, mother

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EatFoodTogether1. Finish the Meal

I guess I am from old school, but I hate waste. I hate to see good wholesome food left on plates. It seems to be a current fad for people to take what they feel like, eat a little, and throw the rest out! Help! Such waste.

I think it is a good idea to give children a small amount of each food on their plate. They should eat this first and come back for more if they are still hungry. I’m always happy to dish out seconds. I love to be generous with food, but I certainly don’t like waste.

But there is more! The table is not only a place to feed the body, but the soul and the spirit. Therefore, we never want to leave the table before we feed the most important part of our children—their spirits. They need feeding as much as their bodies. The spirits of some children must be literally starving! Famished. Dying.

Before we leave the table, my husband opens the Bible and reads a portion to the family and then we pray together. We call it Family Devotions in our home. You may have a different name. I love what they used to call it in Holland—Finishing up the Meal! Isn’t that great? These parents would not allow their children to leave the table until they truly finished their meal by feeding and nourishing their spirits from God’s living Word.

The following are a couple of tips for this part of the meal.

2. Bring out the Bible!

Because most men have a one-track mind, they often forget about having devotions with their family. They have their mind on other things, and they don’t get around to it. My husband is entrenched in this habit now, but when the children were growing up and we came to the end of the meal, I would bring the Bible or The Daily Light on the Daily Path (which we mostly use) and place it by his plate. I didn’t have to say anything. Just placing it there jogged his memory and he would pick it up and begin to read.

3. Don’t Clear the Table too Soon!

This is a necessary tip. I have found that if we begin to scrape the dishes, clear the table, and take them to the counter before we have our Family Devotions, that it’s nearly impossible to get everyone back to the table! Once they are up, they’re gone! So, I don’t let them get up!

“Do you mean to say you have Bible reading with all the dirty dishes still on the table?” Yes, we do, and we hardly notice it. It keeps everyone at the table and doesn’t break the atmosphere.

I trust these practical tips will encourage you as you establish the habit of gathering your family to eat around the table.

Many blessings, Nancy Campbell





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To purchase, go to: http://tinyurl.com/CreativeIdeasToReadBible

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1. No iPhones

The purpose of the table is not only to eat, but to communicate together. We gather for “face to face table fellowship,” to dialogue, and converse with one another. From the moment of birth, feeding is face to face. God orchestrated His creation so beautifully that when a mother puts her baby to the breast, they are face to face. The babe not only draws milk from the mother’s breasts but looks and communicates with the mother.

We don’t need the competition of iPhones when we gather at the table. They inhibit family communication. They interrupt—and are very rude.

This is another thing you must make happen. Nor do you give in to whining about the matter. Perhaps you could have a basket where each one drops their iPhones before coming to sit at the table. Place the basket far enough away that no one can hear any “dings.”

You will need to watch carefully. At times I have noticed teens and even adults looking down past their meal plate and I realize they are looking at an iPhone hiding under the table! I beg your pardon! Are they so addicted they cannot put it away even for a meal?

2. Direct the Conversation

Have you noticed that family conversation can be shallow or even turn to nothingness? I believe we as parents should direct the conversation. When I prepare a meal, I not only think of what I will cook, but what we will talk about at the table. I like to bring a subject or a question to the table for discussion so we can enjoy stimulating conversation. It’s a time to learn new things from one another, to hone our ideas, and cement convictions. And this saves the conversation from spiraling down into negativity and complaining. Table time should be positive, enjoyable, and fun. You make it happen, dear mother.

Make wonderful things happen at your meal table,

Nancy Campbell

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df30a235944219bfa2d7053b0b7801881. Sit at the Table

Sitting at the table is also a Bible principle. I know it takes training to get your children to sit through the meal but keep on training, little by little. 

Not one word is wasted in the Bible. Every word is important. It’s interesting how the Bible takes time to talk about such a practical thing as sitting at the table. First Samuel, chapter 20 tells the story of how David and Jonathan planned David’s escape from the palace. It was mandatory for each person to be present for the evening meal at the palace and they all sat in their assigned places.

David said to Jonathan in verse 5 (ESV): “I should not fail to sit at table with the king.” No one was meant to be missing. All places were to be filled.

Later, down in verses 24 and 25 it says: “And when the new moon came, the king sat down to eat food. The king sat on his seat, as at other times on the seat by the wall. Jonathan sat opposite, and Abner sat by Saul’s side, but David’s place as empty.” Each person had their own assigned seat.

A mother shared with me that she allows her children to sit where they like when they come to the table. “But,” she complained, “they continually bicker and argue about where they are going to sit.” I suggested she assign seats for each child. It’s biblical, and it stops the arguing.

Let’s go over to the New Testament. There are many Scriptures about sitting at the meal table (not standing around)! However, let’s look at when Jesus’ fed the five thousand plus people. Jesus did not feed the multitude until they were all seated. He didn’t suggest they sit down. He “commanded” them to sit down. We get the same message in each Gospel.

Matthew 14:19 “He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass.”

Mark 6:39, 40: “He commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. And they sat down in ranks . . .” Do you notice that they all had to sit down, not just those who wanted to. No food unless seated!

Luke 9:14: “And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down . . .”

John 6:10 (NKJV): “Jesus said, ‘Make the people sit down . . . So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down.” We certainly get the feeling that there had to be some organization to get them all seated.

This certainly relates to our families, doesn’t it? Have you found that you need to make your children sit down? Unless you train them to learn to sit at the table they will be jumping up and down like a yo-yo!

We must also teach our children how to sit. I can’t believe how many children and teens sit with their knees up at the table! Has no one ever taught them how to sit correctly?

Unless we sit at the table, we will not receive the same nutritional benefit from our food or from fellowship together.

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

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TABLE TIPS for your Mealtimes Together

MARRIAGE SUPPERDo you love to gather your family around your table to eat and fellowship together? The family meal table is one of the foundations of family life. It’s a biblical principle. The picture God gives in the Bible of a blessed family is the wife in the heart of the home and all the children sitting around the table. Read it again in Psalm 128:3.

The first mention of the word table in the Bible is The Table of Shewbread in the tabernacle in the wilderness. On this table there were twelve loaves of bread called The Shewbread. The table was also called The Table of Faces and the bread, The Bread of Faces (Lechem haPanim). The bread upon the table pointed to Christ who is our bread, our life, our sustenance. As we look to Him and feed from Him, we are fed and satisfied.

Do you notice that a plural word is used for bread? Christ is more than one face. He has many attributes and the more we look to Him in His Word the more we come to know Him and all His glorious attributes. Colossians 2:3 says: “In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

The twelve loaves upon the table also pointed to the Israelites. God also wanted the bread upon the table to represent His people. In the loaves, He saw each one of their faces. He wanted them in His presence. Each week the priests would take the week-old bread off the table and replace it with new bread. The priests would then eat the bread (which was still fresh because it had lain in the presence of the Lord) and fellowship together.

The Table and the Shewbread were considered one. They were like twins. Just as mother and home are synonymous, so the table and food are synonymous. They go together. In other words, we eat food at the table! We don’t eat food in front of the TV. We don’t allow each member to grab their food and eat in their rooms or wherever they like. God wants us to sit around the table together.

But the table is not only a biblical principle, it is a heavenly principle. Did you know that God had a table (or tables) in His heavenly kingdom before we ever had them on earth? Yes, tables originated in Heaven! Jesus often talked about His table in the heavenly realm (Matthew 8:11; Luke 14:15; 29:30; and Revelation 19:9).

Therefore, the more you gather at your table, the more of the heavenly atmosphere you will bring to your home! Ooops! “It’s not very heavenly at my table,” I hear you reply. “It’s welcome to the shambles.”

Don’t despair. God gives us principles in His Word about how we should gather at the table. Let me share some of them with you.

Set the Table

If you do not take time to set and prepare the table, your children will not feel it is important. How you prepare your table is how they will perceive the importance of the table. Proverbs 9:2 (RSV) says: “Wisdom has built her house . . . she has also set her table.” I love to set a beautiful table each evening. I love to use a tablecloth. It makes such a difference to the table and to the atmosphere of the meal. Food on a naked table does not have the same welcoming touch.

“Help, do you expect me to add more laundry to my already huge pile?” you scream. Dear lovely mother, you can purchase a lovely tablecloth and put a piece of clear plastic over it which you wipe down after the meal. There are seasons in life. As your children grow, there will come a time when you can eliminate the plastic.

Are you still thinking of the extra work? Teach your children how to set the table correctly. And beautifully and creatively. They love to do it. The children can take turns. They can become very competitive as each one seeks to outdo the other. You can encourage them to add centerpieces, candles, go outside and find wildflowers or leaves, or use their imagination to make something creative.

More ideas tomorrow.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


Painting: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb by Lambert Dolphin

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transformI think one of the most important things we as mothers must have is a spirit of discernment. We must know the difference between good and evil. That seems a very basic statement, doesn’t it? You’d think everyone would know the difference between good and evil. But no. One of the biggest movements among Christendom today is the “spirit of tolerance.” Many Christians have been brainwashed that they are not allowed to judge anything or anyone. They must be tolerant to all and everyone.

This is not Bible This is not God. God is a merciful and forgiving God, but He is not tolerant of sin. Nor should we be. We must know the difference between good and evil and we must impart this strongly to our children. Job 34:4 says: “Let us KNOW among ourselves what is GOOD.” If we don’t know and discern, how will our children know?

I love the old hymn by Clara Scott, “Open my eyes, that I may see, Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me.” The second stanza says:

“Open my ears, that I may hear

Voices of truth Thou makest clear;

And while the wave notes fall on my ear,


I want everything that is false to be cast out from my mind and heart, don’t you? I want this for my children and grandchildren too. I don’t want them to be subtly deceived by the lies and delusions of this age. I want them to KNOW TRUTH. I want them to exercise discernment. I want them to be able to judge between what is right and what is evil.

The greatest, or perhaps the only way, we can truly discern is through filling our hearts with God’s Word. His eternal Word is the ultimate deterrent to deception! If His Word is not in us, we don’t have what it takes to discern!

Let’s RICHLY fill our hearts and the hearts of our children with His Word (Colossians 3:16). That means gathering them every morning and evening to read His Word to them. To discuss it together. To ask questions. To talk about it. To get it into their hearts and mouths (Isaiah 59:21).

Let’s get it into them so faithfully that EVERYTHING FALSE WILL DISAPPEAR. Amen

Be blessed today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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What Are You AllowingMother, it is not enough to care for the physical bodies of your children. We must guard their minds, their souls, and their spirits.

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The Beauty of Surrender

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Are you learning something new each dayI have always loved the lines from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "A Psalm of Life."

"But to act that each tomorrow
Find us further than today."

I love to learn something new every day, don't you? Recently I learned the difference between a Shepherd's Pie and a Cottage Pie. How come it has taken me so long to know the difference?

A Shepherd's Pie is made with ground lamb whereas a Cottage Pie is made with ground beef. I guess the reason I didn't know is that growing up in New Zealand we called it a Shepherd's Pie even though we always cooked with lamb.

I also learned recently that The American Life League estimates that "Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year." Wow, that bit of information is just about too much to take in.
More abortions through the Pill than Clinic abortions!

Another interesting fact I learned recently was the loudest sound that has ever been heard by human ears. It was when the volcano Krakatoa erupted in 1883 at 310 decibels. People in Alice springs, Australia, 2,233 miles away heard it!

Anyway, I think it is a good thing to encourage your children to learn something new every day. I think this is more important than making sure your children get through all their lessons each day. They can do them and yet often not remember anything. But if they learn one specific new thing
every day, they will become very knowledgeable.

A good idea is to check how everyone is learning in the family at your evening family meal table. When you have sharing time around the table and talk about different questions, every now and then give them this question: "Children, what is something new you learned today?"

Start with the first child and go around each one to ask them one new thing they learned. This is a good way to check if your homeschooling is effective. And don't leave out you and your husband. Your children love to hear something new that you have learned too.

We are all learning together. This is true education. It's for life. It's learning something new every day. It's inspiring an excitement for learning. When you give your children this challenge, they'll start looking for things to really remember. And you will too.

And even more than learning something new every day is to have the vision to grow a little more in Christ every day. We should never stay the same, but each new day seek to be conformed to the image of God's dear Son. 1 Timothy 4:15 tells us that we are to immerse ourselves in the teachings of Christ and the Scriptures "so that all may see your progress." Our progress should be evident in our lives.

Our Christian walk is not a stay-at-the-same-place walk, but a MORE AND MORE walk.

Proverbs 4:18: "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day."

Be excited to learn something new today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

P.S. More Scriptures to check out: 1 Samuel 7:26; Psalm 92:12-14; Proverbs 4:18; Romans 5:2-6; 8:29; Ephesians 4;11-16; Colossians 2:6, 7; 1 Timothy 4;11-15; Hebrews 6:1; 5:12-14; 1 Peter 2:2, 3; 2 Peter 1:5-8; and 3:18. 

Are you learning something new each day

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63a40ee3c698a53e2053d19e76560217Another post about LIVING IN THE GLORY
I believe this is another area where women have lost their glory. Because God created us as his female creation, we should glory in our femininity. We live in a genderless society where the roles of male and female are not emphasized. The more we embrace our femininity in every department of our lives, the more we bring glory to God for He is the One who created us this way.
This also means to dress femininely and beautifully.
The Bible talks about how God dresses gloriously. Isaiah 63:1 talks of God being “glorious (hadar) in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength.” Can I share some other translations?
Complete Jewish Bible: “magnificently dressed.”
New English Translation: “wearing royal attire.”
If God dresses gloriously and honorably, shouldn’t we? He wants us to be the revealers of His glory on the earth. Because He is dressed in royal attire, shouldn’t we dress more regally and royally?
Psalm 104:1 (CEV) describes God: “You are glorious and majestic (hadar), dressed in royal robes and surrounded by light.” And do you remember that Proverbs 31:25 states that the virtuous woman is also clothed with glory (hadar)? Nineteen different translations of the Bible translate it with the word dignity. Do you dress with dignity or according to the fashion of this age?
God loves beautiful clothing. When he designed the clothing for the high priest, he stated that his clothing was to be “for glory and for beauty.” (Exodus 28:2). We who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus have now been made priests unto God. Shouldn’t we wear clothing according to our status?
We do not owe the spirit of the world the honor of dressing according to its fashion but surely, we owe honor to the God who created us female. When we dress or act masculinely, we detract from our God-given femininity and therefore our glory.
Live in your glory today,
Painting: Abundant Hope by Sheri Dinardi
The Bible is filled with the awesome glory of God. This article is only a little glimpse of the glory God talks about in the Bible. I have shared 17 podcasts on this subject and still have not exhausted the subject. You can check out the following podcasts if you would like to listen to more of the glory God has for you as a woman.
Go to the home page of www.aboverbies.org and click on LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell
Or go to: http://ARPoddy.buzzsprout.com or your favorite poddy app.
THE GLORY OF WOMANHOOD, Parts 1 – 10 (Nos. 68 – 77).
LET’S GET BACK THE GLORY, Parts 1 – 6 (Nos. 159 – 164).
Don’t miss the podcast for wives and mothers each week:
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell
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LivingGlory3More about LIVING IN THE GLORY continuing.
We read the beautiful allegory in Isaiah 66:10-13 which describes Jerusalem as a nursing mother. As we read this passage, we understand how God sees the glory of a nursing mother—the breasts bringing comfort, consolation, delight, peace, and glory. Verse 11 of the Berean Study Bible says: “So that you may nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you may drink deeply and delight yourselves in her glorious (kabod) abundance.”
Are you breastfeeding your baby, dear mother? You are doing a glorious work. Not only is your baby blessed but you are blessed with the wonderful anti-stress hormones of oxytocin and prolactin. God provides adequately for the nursing mother.
Dear mother, you are not wasting your time as you nurture, teach, and train your precious children. Motherhood is not a fading career but lasts for eternity. All other careers will be left behind but pouring out your life to prepare your children for their destiny is an eternal career. You are pouring into eternal souls.
I think of the apostle Paul who poured out his soul for the new believers. When he wrote to the young Thessalonian Christians, he said: “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at this coming? For ye are our glory and joy” (1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20).
A career outside your home will not be your glory on the day you stand before the Lord. Your glory will be your children that you have faithfully raised for Him. As I raised our children, I constantly prayed the same prayer Paul prayed for these believers in 5:23: “I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Motherhood is not only caring for the physical bodies of our children but their souls and their spirits. That takes full-time motherhood.
What a glorious career you have,
Nancy Campbell
Painting: A Woman Nursing a Child, c.1894 | Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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RaisingChildenGloryMore today about LIVING IN THE GLORY
Mothers are the glory of the home. Home and motherhood are synonymous. God created Adam before He created the first home, the Garden of Eden. But before God created His female creation, He made sure the home was ready. When Eve woke up to life, she found herself in the home God created for her. She was created for the home and to make her home a delight, which is the meaning of the word Eden.
Isaiah 63:15 tells us that God’s home is a dwelling place of holiness and glory, and He wants our homes to be the same.
Sadly, the home is degraded by the liberals today. In doing so, they are cutting off their feet and chipping away at the strength of the nation. Mothers in the home are the hidden strength of the nation.
In Micah 2:9 it says: “The women of My people You cast out from their pleasant houses: from their children You have taken away My glory (hadar) forever.” God clearly states here that when children are taken out of the home that they are taken away from their glory. In other words, it is their glory to be raised in the home. It is God’s plan. He provides the home for the blessing, security, safety, teaching, and training of children.
The New English Translation says: “You defraud their children of their prized inheritance.”
The Amplified version says: “From her children you take away My splendor and blessing forever (by putting them among the pagans, away from Me).”
God wants His children to grow up in His presence in the home and to be taught His ways. He does not want them to be taught by pagans. He does not want them to be influenced by humanism, feminism, and extreme socialism. He does not want them to be taught transgenderism and all the other isms that are against God and His eternal truths. That takes away their glory.
Be blessed in your home today,
Nancy Campbell
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LivingInGloryWhy don’t women live in their glory?
Because they’ve been told a different story!
We’ve got to get the correct story.
Did you know that God wants us to live in glory? He has invited us to enjoy His eternal glory, but He wants us to live in glory here on this earth too. Jesus prayed to His Father in John 17:22 (NET): “The glory you gave to me I have given to them . . . so that the world will know that you sent me . . .”
This is amazing. We know that God is filled with glory, but we forget that He wants to also fill us with His glory. One of the Hebrew words for glory is “hadar” and it means “glory, magnificence, splendor, beauty from above, beyond honor, majesty, and dignity.” We know that God is all these adjectives but Proverbs 31:25 tells us that women are to live in glory as well: “Strength and honor (hadar) are her clothing.” We are to be inwardly and outwardly clothed in glory.
Another Hebrew word for glory is “kabod” and it has a similar meaning: “to be weighty and heavy with glory, honor, esteem, and majesty.” This word is used to describe God but also the woman.
Proverbs 11:16 says: “A gracious woman retains honor (kabod).” We already have glory because we are created in the image and likeness of God. We have been blessed with a female glory. We must retain it. We must hold on to it. It’s easy to let it go in the midst of this humanistic and anti-God culture that surrounds us.
Womanhood and motherhood are belittled in our society today, but this is the opposite of God’s plan. He has a glory life waiting for us. It’s time to embrace it.
Lamentations 1:6 says: “From the daughter of Zion all her beauty (hadar) is departed.” In many cases, glory had departed from God’s female creation. The glory has departed from motherhood and the home today. From kindergarten to college, young girls are indoctrinated to believe that motherhood is inferior, and they must set their vision on a career outside of the home.
But what does the Bible have to say?
It is the glory of the nation. In Hosea 9:11-17 we read about Ephraim who had turned away from the Lord. God was sending judgment upon them for their sin and His judgment was to take away their glory. What was the glory that He would take away? Verse 11 says: “Ephraim’s glory shall fly away like a bird—no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!”
God looked upon motherhood as the glory of the nation. Even Ephraim (which means double fruitfulness) considered conception, pregnancy, and birth to be their glory. The diminishing of children is a curse; the increasing of children in the land is glory.
Isaiah 26:15 (ESV) says: “You have increased the nation O LORD, you have increased the nation; you are glorified, you have enlarged all the borders of the land.” It is God’s glory to give the blessing and increase of children. This is the opposite to liberal ideology which is man’s wisdom. But who do we listen to? Man’s wisdom or God’s infallible wisdom? Read Isaiah 55:7, 8 and 45:18.
Motherhood is the glory of womanhood. This statement is true for not only women to whom God has given children but for every woman. God has innately put within every female a nurturing anointing to nourish and cherish life. If a woman rejects children, she will purchase an animal to pet instead.
“But it doesn’t feel like glory in my home,” I hear you say. Often, we don’t live in the glory because we don’t have the right mind set. Although we love our children, we have not truly embraced motherhood. We think we should be doing something more important. That mindset keeps you confused.
To live in the glory, you must know God’s plan for you, know that you are in the perfect will of God, and know without any doubt that you are in the greatest and most influential career in the nation. Of course, you’ll have difficult and challenging days, but you face these things in every job, every career, and anything you do in life. The only difference is that motherhood is the most powerful career given to women. The devil does not want you to know this and keeps you in the dark. He wants to keep you from your glory.
More about “glory” in next post.
Nancy Campbell
Painting by John Elsley (1861 – 1952).
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AnOrderlyTableThe value you put on your meal table will determine the behavior of your children at the meal table. Make every meal a love affair. Make every meal special.

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ShabbatGirlsEleven beautiful girls graced our Shabbat table last night, granddaughters and friends in the Hilltop. It was such a precious time.

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BackboneMother, you are the backbone of the nation! You are the greatest threat to those who want to turn this nation away from God’s ways. As you pour out your life to nurture, train, and educate your children, you determine the course of this nation and even the world.
As the backbone of this nation . . .
B You are a BUILDER, building a godly marriage and family and consequently helping to build a strong nation.
A You are ANOINTED by God to mother and nurture your children. This is more powerful than any career you can have outside the home.
C You are CALLED by God to this great career. If you turn away from it, you miss your highest calling.
K You are the KEEPER of your home. You are keeping your marriage and family strong. Homekeepers are definitely the backbone of the nation. As mothers build strong homes the nation becomes stronger. When mothers vacate their homes, the nation becomes weaker.
B You are the BRIGHTNESS and glory of your home. A home is only truly a home when mother is there, making it a beautiful place with her presence.
O You are an OVERCOMER. Building a godly home, family, and heritage is no easy task. It takes strength and courage. It takes fortitude and endurance. But God is with you moment by moment, giving you the power to overcome in His name.
N You are a NATION CHANGER. When mothers get back to the home, embrace the children God wants them to have, and train them to be godly sons and daughter, they change the course of the nation.
E You are an EDUCATOR. There is no one more powerful than you, mother, to influence your children for God, to reveal to them the awesome wonder of your God and His universe. As you seek after truth, you teach your children the truth and you become an educator not only to your children but to the rest of society.
Together, mothers, we are the BACKBONE of the nation. Let’s not give up influencing this nation and generations to come.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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WhatRUDoingBuild into your marriage each day. Say something encouraging and positive to your husband. Respond to him lovingly. Think of something special to do for him. “Every wise woman buildeth her house” (Proverbs14:1).

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IfYouWishThere’s no other way. Otherwise you can be deceived without realizing you are deceived. What about your children? Are you filling them daily with God’s living word? Is it in their mouths?

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LookToGodWhen you worry about your problems and concentrate on them you will be filled with misery. When you keep your eyes upon the Lord, peace will fill your heart. “Thou wilt keep him in PERFECT PEACE whose mind is stayed in thee” (Isaiah26:3).

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21PointsDear mothers, Today I am sending to you something very special for your young and older daughters. It is 21 points on what to look for in a husband. These points are good points for you to pray over as you pray for the future husbands of your daughters. Also, print them off and give them to your daughters. Encourage them to pray over these points and have them in their hearts as they wait for this special man God has for them. Pass this on to other friends who have daughters too. May you all be blessed, Nancy
Hopefully, he will be a virgin. In the Bible, it speaks of virgins getting married. Sadly, in this fornicating world, sometimes there can be a man who was in the world and has come to Christ and is now truly repentant and walking in holiness. You cannot completely wipe out the fact that unless he’s a virgin, you cannot marry him. But you had better truly know (along with your parents) that he will strongly stand against all fornication. It is imperative you begin your marriage on a holy foundation.
This is very important for your parents to check out. If he is drawn to pornography, don’t count on a good marriage. He must be totally free from this abomination.
Sometimes a young man may have delved into it in the past, but you must know without a shadow of doubt that he is completely delivered from this evil thing, totally free, and walking in holiness.
Pornography is one of the biggest things that destroys marriages.
In Psalm 112, there’s a wonderful passage about men: “Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and delights greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth. The generation of the upright shall be blessed.” God promises that your children will be blessed if you marry a man who fears the Lord. If you want to have children who are blessed of the Lord, marry a man who fears the Lord.
You want a man who not only believes in the Bible but LOVES the Bible—who loves to search it out and study it (Psalm 1:1-3; 112:2; Joshua 1: 8; and 2 Timothy 3:15). If he spends time each day reading God’s word, he will be strong (1 John 2:14). He will be kept from deception.
Ephesians 5:25-26: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.”
That is a very beautiful thing for a husband to do when he is married, to wash his wife with the Word. It means more than a little wash. It means to bathe her. That means he’s going to read the Word to you, or with you each day. You’ve got to find a guy who will bathe you in God’s word. If you’re looking at a guy who doesn’t even read God’s word, how is he ever going to do that? Find a man who loves God’s Word!
Look for a man who will pray with you throughout your marriage. It is so sad that there are many couples who don’t even pray together! I love that Scripture in Matthew 18:19 where it says: “If two of you shall agree on earth, as touching anything, it shall be done by My Father which is in heaven.”
If “two of you.” That Scripture is tailor-made for marriage. It can be any two people who agree but when you have a husband and wife who agree together in prayer it is a powerful thing. Does the guy you are looking at love to go to prayer meetings or would he rather stay away? If he is not interested in going to prayer meetings now, or praying with you each time you meet, don’t expect him to be a man of prayer when you marry him.
Look for a man who you know is committed to marriage and who will stay glued to the marriage through thick and thin.
A wonderful part of our marriage is our Shabbat meal which we enjoy every week. This is a meal where the husband blesses his wife. Then he blesses the children. That is such a beautiful thing. Of course, he doesn’t have to wait until Shabbat. He can constantly bless you. But you need to see this quality in the man you want to spend your life with.
A man who holds fast to his convictions. He is not swayed by any “Tom, Dick, and Harry” but seeks out what God says and sticks to it.
Look for a man who knows how to work hard. He doesn’t do things half-heartedly. He gets “stuck in.” He does the job properly. He finishes the job. He doesn’t leave it half done. He knows how to fix things. Look for a guy like that. Never marry a lazy man.
It is the responsibility of the man to provide for his wife and the home so the mother can stay in her nest to care for her children (1 Timothy 5:8). Look for a man who has that conviction. If he doesn’t, well, you won’t want to marry that man.
If a young man is not ready to take on the responsibility of embracing and providing for children, he is not ready for marriage. He does not have to have a lot of money when he first gets married, but he must have a job and understand that it is his responsibility to provide for the family.
Is the man you are looking at open to embracing all the children that God has for you in your marriage? Does he have a heart for children? Do you notice him picking up babies and little children and carrying them around? It is so important to find this out before you get married.
There are so many mothers who are heartbroken because their husband does not want any more children. That is a very sad thing because God has created the womb to cry out for children. Proverbs 30:15, 16 says there are four things that never say it is enough, that are never satisfied. One is the barren womb. God has put that cry within the womb to long for children. A husband who does not understand this can be very cruel to his wife. He denies the very instinct God has put within her.
He will not watch movies that are slightly tainted or have immorality in them. He will have high standards. It’s not enough to marry a man who says he is a Christian. If he’ll watch anything without being troubled, finish with that guy.
He does not always think of himself. It’s so wonderful, isn’t it, to see a young man who doesn’t only think of himself. He sees someone who has a need and spontaneously goes to help them. That’s a good quality to look for.
That means he is a regular attender at church. He doesn’t go sometimes or when he feels like it. Find a young man who is committed to fellowshipping with the people of God because it is a command from God.
Hebrews 10:25: “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is. But so much the more, as you see the day approaching.”
This is a normal habit for a God-fearing person. The Bible talks about Jesus who went into the synagogue on the sabbath day “as was his habit” (Luke 4:16). The family went to the synagogue. It was their habit, so it was still His habit. It should be the habit in a young man’s life so it will continue to be a habit as children come along and you continue to attend church as a family.
He is willing and has a vision to homeschool the children God gives to you. There was a time years ago when children could go to public school, but no longer. Today it is a place of brainwashing in humanism, progressivism, alternative lifestyles, homosexuality, and transgenderism. It is no place for a child of God.
You don’t want a womanizer. You want a man that is a ONE-WOMAN MAN. Marriage is an exclusive relationship where you “forsake all others.”
How a young man treats his mother will be how he treats his wife. Do you see him respecting his parents? Do you see him respecting his sisters? Is he a man who respects and protects women?
It would be pitiful to be married to a man who is stingy and who does not want anyone to come to your home and join your table for meals. Look for a man who loves people and is open to hospitality. Hospitality is the lifestyle of the early church. It is the heart of God.
Along the road of life and during your marriage you will face many challenges and many lessons. We are all learning along the way, until the very end. A man who has a proud heart and will not listen to reproof can cause heartache in a marriage. Look for a man who is teachable, willing to learn, and who is open to receive reproof. The word reproof occurs 90 times in the Bible. Here are just a few examples: Psalm 141:5; Proverbs 9:8, 9; 10:17; 12:1; 13:1, 18; 15, 10, 31; and Revelation 3:19.
David was a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22). He certainly wasn’t perfect, but God saw his heart and loved him. Look for a young man who has a heart after God.
And please, never marry a man who has a problem with anger. That is a No No! If he shows signs of anger, run from him.
Is he open to the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit? Does he long for revival?
Of course, above all these qualities, you will “fall in love.” Yes, I believe in falling in love. I believe that God is very interested and very involved in bringing couples together. He puts a spark in you and that other person that draws you together. A man could have all the above qualities and yet you are not attracted to him. But there will be a certain man that God ignites you to. It is one of the most exciting things in life. And God is in it.
However, if this young man does not have the above qualities, steel yourself and do not let your heart become involved. You need that spark of love, but marriage will not survive on a spark of love. It needs commitment. And to be committed you need sterling qualities to be committed to.
A godly marriage is the most beautiful thing on earth;
a miserable marriage is the worst thing to endure.
May God bring this wonderful and godly man to you. Amen and amen.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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