By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 09 September 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


God told Moses to consecrate the hands of Aaron and his sons, the priests. Exodus 28:41 (Knox) says: “And thou shalt consecrate their hands, and set them apart to serve me in the priestly office.” Because God has also made us “kings and priests unto our God” He wants us to have consecrated hands too.

Have you consecrated your hands to the Lord as a mother? Yield your hands to the Lord today as you use them to cook, clean, wash dishes, change diapers, and do all your household tasks. Think of them as being “set apart” to the Lord as you serve in your home.

You are doing a priestly work. Because Christ lives in you everything you do is sacred. You can experience God’s blessing and anointing upon you in everything practical thing you do in our home. God sees you doing it unto Him and it’s written in His book. Nothing goes unnoticed.

Have a blessed day,

Nancy Campbell