By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Which do you think is the more important? The "inner man" or the "outer man"? Of course, we know the answer. Therefore, we must learn how to strengthen the "inner man." And teach our children how to have a strong "inner man."

We strengthen our physical body each day by eating three good meals a day, and often snacks in between! Wow, we sure look after our physical body, don't we? The outer man is forever saying, "Feed me... Feed me" and we give into its cravings too easily. But, did you know that your inner man cries out for food, too? Many times it is starving!

It takes work and preparation to feed the body, and it also takes EFFORT to feed the spirit, too. We have to put aside the laziness of the flesh and determine to take TIME to feed the "inner man."

As mothers we have a great responsibility to feed our children, not only physically, but spiritually. Just as we prepare physical meals, we must prepare spiritual meals. We must make time for Family Bible reading each day with our children, morning and evening. It reminds me of the confession of a great Chinese Christian who would say, "No Bible, No breakfast!" He wouldn't feed his outer man until he first fed his inner man.

Paul confessed, "I delight in the law of God man AFTER THE INWARD MAN" (Romans 7:22). His flesh didn't go after God's Word, but His spirit longed for it.

Is your inner man strong? Are you building strong "inner mans" in your children? Or, are they weak and starving?

More tomorrow. Love from Nancy Campbell