By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 21 May 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


It is important to have purpose and vision in our lives, isn’t it? In our great role of mothering and homemaking we also need purpose. Purpose keeps us motivated. Purpose keeps us going even as we face trials.

As I was raising our children, I took hold of the Scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:23: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your WHOLE SPIRIT AND SOUL AND BODY be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lod Jesus Christ.” My constant prayer was that one day when I stand before the Lod I could present my children before Him, whole, in spirit, soul, and body. This is a huge vision.
We may not fulfil completely our dreams, bu if we keep them before us, we will be constantly motived to keep pressing forward in our goals.
I have also refined my purpose a little more with an acrostic. My desire as a wife and mother is to:
P Passionately love my husband and minister to his needs.
U Unflinchingly keep my eyes upon the goal of raising a godly generation.
R Resist all temptation to come down from my high calling.
P Persevere in building my marriage and home in the face of all obstacles.
O Order my home with diligence.
S Saturate my children with God’s Word and loads of encouragement.
E Embrace my life-giving role of mothering and nurturing.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
Picture by William S. Kendall
It is important to have purpose and vision in our lives, isn’t it? In our great role of mothering and homemaking, we also need purpose. Purpose keeps us motivated. Purpose keeps us going even as we face trials.