By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 02 June 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Last night we popped over to Serene's to see the baby. What a joy to bask in the delight of this little newborn, although he is now three weeks already. Babies grow too quickly. But there was more than a baby. Around the room were eleven of Serene and Sam's thirteen children, plus two of her grandchildren. As we talked together it came upon us again the power of a baby. If we had decided stop another baby coming into the world at the time of Serene's conception, we would not have had our youngest biological daughter, Serene. But more than that, not one of the amazing people, each with their different personalities would be in this world or sitting in that room.

But more than that. There are still so many more to come from this one baby we gave birth to 38 years ago. As her children grow they will marry and have children and their children will have grandchildren. There are so many more godly children yet to come from this one birth many years ago.

We would be deprived. The world would be deprived. God would be deprived. Eternity would be deprived. We often forget that when we say No to one baby, we actually say No to many more people who God wants to come to earth to bless this world. We say No to a whole dynasty.

And I'm only talking about one of our children. The same applies to all of them. I don't think we truly realize the enormity of our deception about refusing the children God wants us to have. Just think of the godly dynasties that have been lost to this world because even God's people have been educated to limit their family size.

God bless you today, Nancy Campbell
P.S. The picture is of Sam and Serene with their new baby and Haven (3).