By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 09 March 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a mother looking with adoration at her baby. Even a plain mother is beautiful when she looks lovingly at her child. Jean Millet writes: "Beauty does not lie in the face. . . . Beauty is expression. When I paint a mother, I try to render her beautiful by the mere look she gives her child."

It truly is the expression of our face that is beautiful to the beholder. It is our expression that comes from within that makes us beautiful or otherwise. I am always challenged by the words in Isaiah 3:9: “The show of their countenance doth witness against them.” Isn’t it so true? Our countenance gives us away. It reveals what’s on the inside.

Let’s keep a good attitude. Cast aside all negativity, anger, hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness and let’s fill our lies with the beauty of forgiveness, love, joy, and unselfishness.

2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us how that when we behold the face of Jesus, we are changed into His likeness. This also happens with us and our children. Our children behold our face all day long. What do they see? An expression of contentment and joy? Or frustration and anger? A smile or a frown?

Dear mother, your children will change into the same image they see on your face. Do you want happy, smiling children? Let them see this expression on your face.

I love the words of the hymn:

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All his wonderful passion and purity,
O thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

May the expression on our faces make us look beautiful to our husbands and children.

Love from Nancy Campbell